My high school volleyball team wouldn’t be the first to tell you I am a Klutz, I was voted “class klutz”, for obvious reasons. I fall, period. Even as I write this I have a perma-bruise on my forearm from falling down a flight of stairs over the holidays. I’ve gotten used to people laughing at me, and my creative ways of stumbling and recovering. In high school I remember kids going as far as clapping when I would fall, gracefully or not.
Cherry Fell was a nick name given by the fellow high school athletes party because “Fell” rhymed with my last name Sell, partly because whenever my name was in the newspapers for sport stats they seemed to misprint Sherry Sell to Cherry Fell, but mostly because of the many falls I would take. Off a s chair, a tire swing, a bike, down a hill, a flight of stairs, or on flat clear ground are just a few of the places I often fall.
So it’s nice to know other people fall too. Its hard not to laugh when its a good fall, accompanied with a few good sound effects. I do hope this lady is okay, I am not heartless, but for a good laugh….enjoy.