Dear Very Very Sweet Meaning lady who works the counter at a large sporting store, please keep your suckers to yourself. I really do appreciate your kind gesture to my two year old (not very responsible with candies on a stick) daughter. BUT now I have to spend the next thirty minutes explaining to her why we don’t have suckers in the van.
I get that people are just trying to be nice, but do me a solid Sugar Giving Cashier and ask me first before you hand over the sweetness to my child. It’s a long walk to the van, we still need to get coats on, kids in and out of strollers, groceries in the back seat AND take the twenty minutes drive home….before I would even consider letting her open the thing.
Sigh, but now your kind ten calories of sweetness gesture is bringing the three of us to tears. Lela is upset, I’m heart broken, and Siah keeps tossing in his ba ba ba ahhhh two cents. I do my best to focus on the road as Lela yells (louder each time) “I want my sucker!”….When I all I want to do it toss it out the window.
This Sucks, I thought to myself, I feel old (er)- I feel like a mother. All because of a little dum-dum.