25 hours in a day

I’ve spent most of today wondering what I would do if I had one additional hour in every day. Would I spend it with loved ones? Would I work? Would I nap? Would I donate my time to a better cause? Would I Blog? Would I craft? Would I write? Would I read the Bible?

 CONCLUSION: I would spend most of the hour not actually accomplishing anything, but rather thinking of what I could do.

Empty Me-A Song Rave


Simply I respect Jeremy Camp’s life’ song and his music. This is one of my favorite songs of his as it seems to ring ever more true in my life. As I attempt to fill my life with things, agenda’s and chores, I’m reminded we can survive on something much less complicated.  May you enjoy this little lullaby piece of happiness as well.

Empty Me VIDEO

These Are Lyrics to the Song as well, it works as a sweet little prayer today as well.

Holy fire, burn away my desire, for anything That is not of You, and is of me. Lord I want more of You, and less of me Holy fire, burn away my desire, for anything That is not of You, and is of me. Lord I want more of You, and less of me Empty me, empty me Fill, won’t You fill me with You, with You. Holy fire, burn away My desire for anything that is not of You, and is of me. Lord I want more of You, and less of me Empty me, Empty me Fill, won’t You fill me with You, with You. Well won’t You empty me, well won’t You empty me now Well won’t You empty me, well won’t You empty me now I want more, I want more I want more of You Jesus I want more, I want more I want more ohhhhh Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus

Flower Power

Today I wondered about Toilet Paper? Why does it have flowers on it? I mean really, these neat little flower & pattern indentations on them. Is there a need for this? Does the patterned texture “up” the retail value? I imagine it must cost more to produce then the non patterned single ply TP. I find it even more intregiung that I’ve never noticed it before, certainly flowers vs non-flowers has never swayed my decision to go.

The Funny Papers-A Beginning

The memories are few of  my grandpa and grandma Sell(my paternal grandparents), but one remains in the forefront in my mind.  That memory is of the “Funny Papers”. Each time our family left my grandparents home, my grandpa Sell always gave us a little tug on the arm and said, “Hey, see you in the funny papers.” I wondered most of my childhood what that even meant. Was there a newspaper I haven’t heard of, or a secret club I wasn’t old enough to join? Sometimes he shouted it from his cozy recliner, sometimes he walked us all the way to screen door, but every time he gave a little chuckled and tip of his trusty ball cap.

I know now grandpa was simply saying “good-bye, I love you and hope to see you again,” in his own personal way. It’s that precious memory, that sparked the idea for this personal blog.