I recently attended a women’s night out event in Mankato at the Marriot Courtyard event center. I went solo, but eager to meet new ladies in the area. The night included shopping, raffles, photos, a lovely dinner & motivational speaker(who was top notch).
While we enjoyed our salad a sweet gal next to me says “you look really familiar” . I am not the best with names, so I started down the list of places we could have crossed in the past. Church-no, previous jobs-no, my current job-no, my hometown area-no, Mankato State U-no, my husband’s high school-no Hmmm I thought, surely I just “look” like someone she’s met before.
Into the main course she says, have you ever lived in Marshall? uh yes, Southwest State U, Yes, in 2000- 2001 YES! While being a resident assistant I met a lot of the student population, but I would remember clearly if she lived in my crazy dorm (Shout out to you Armstrong) Then It came to me “by any chance were you on royalty for SSU Homecoming in 2000” I inquired (it was a long shot).
It was the connection we’d been looking for! When she represented the Freshman class, I the Sophomore class. What are the odds? This us 13 long years ago!
Today-We both are working ladies in the Mankato community married(she does massage), and mommies(she is expecting her 1st in September). Wow! What are the odds of this? (p.s there are 150+ other women at the event & we are sitting side by side)
But we learned that evening, as we were motivated to be the best version of ourselves, that everything does happen for a reason. At the end of every. single. conversation. is a memory. A new one or an old one, & sometimes BOTH!
(this was taken with some of my co-corkers on staff at SSU that year)