Today’s lunch was the most successful dinner my family of four has had IN Months. It began when my husband reminded me of a gift card to Olive Garden. Despite my vivid memory of how awful the last trip was, I was fueled by my excitement for food, I love food.
Before the meal arrived, I had mentally envisioned the craziness that is our 1 & 3 year at the dinner table. (tossing food,standing on the bench, yelling, not eating, madness) Not looking to see what my husband had ordered, I had scarfed down 1/2 my meal. I came up for air to hear him remind me to slow down.
I can’t I thought, if I hesitate now, I’ll miss my chance to warm food. One of the kids will be freaking out soon. But No One Did. Everyone just ate the food they were given. I am so used to fast-forward eating, I hadn’t even noticed the calm & somewhat quiet.
“Mom, I have to go potty”
Ah Yes, I thought, this more like it. Here is where is all goes down hill, I said to myself rushing my little girl to the furthest corner of the restaurant.
As she sat wide eyed in the bath room, I was pondering what messes where yet to come during our meal time madness. Then a huge smile came across her face… little lady was doing the ‘happy dance”.
“Dance music, Mommy, in the bathroom, let’s dance, there’s dance music in here” she giggled with excitement.
And so we did, right there with my half dressed little lady I danced. Once again she reminded me to let go of the stresses of this life, take things as they come, and when the music is playing (wherever you are) be ready to dance.